Chou Jui-Yu
Section Chief
- Oversees all affairs of the Extracurricular Activities Section
- Regulations enactment, revision, and organization
- Equipment expenses and operating expenses of the Extracurricular Activities Section
- Club (student association) events, expense reimbursement and review
Email Address
Subsitute Staff
- You Chiung-Yuen
- Liu Ju-Wei
Huang Hui-Ming
Executive Officer
- Assist student associations, student councils, graduate student associations, election committees, graduation committees, clubs under student associations, and class events.
- Organize major events – Graduation ceremony (administration & budget), freshmen parents day (parents day & freshmen guidance website), anniversary celebration (administration & budget)
- Handle affairs of the national language competition (October-December)
- Review club budgets (June, December)
- Christmas activities (December)
- General affairs of the Extracurricular Activities Section
- Other matters
Email Address
Subsitute Staff
Liu Ju-Wei
Contracted Assistant
- Assist service clubs
- Organize major events – Graduation ceremony (administration & budget), freshmen parents day (parents day & freshmen guidance website), anniversary celebration (administration & budget)
- Implement international volunteer, goodwill ambassador, other service-learning and other volunteer programs
- Manage the education priority area, education property fund, and organize the flag presentation ceremony (February, July), and results presentation
- Nomination and selection of students with outstanding service-learning performance
- Learning passport of student clubs
- Club and student association cadre training camp (first semester), club and student association cadre advanced training camp (second semester)
- 2013-2015 Student Affairs and Counseling Features Plan
- Maintenance and management of the Extracurricular Activities Section’s website and server, club electronic system management, asset management
- Other matters
Email Address
Subsitute Staff
Chen Chao-Wen
Contracted Assistant
- Assist arts clubs
- Organize major events – Graduation ceremony (planning & ceremony), freshmen parents day (freshmen camp), anniversary celebration (slow scooter riding contest)
- Class representative meeting (March, October), club meetings (four times a semester)
- Club adviser recruitment and hourly wage issuance (October, February, August)
- Implement the Schweitzer Program (July-August)
- Implement the College-Assisted Club Development Project of High & Elementary Schools (March-December)
- Office room arrangement and management
- Implement Teaching Excellence Projects and other projects of the Office of Student Affairs
- Handle the petty cash fund of the Extracurricular Activities Division
Email Address
Subsitute Staff
- You Chiung-Yuen
- Chen Chao-Wen
Hsu Shu-Ching
Contracted Assistant
- Assist sports clubs, recreational clubs, and student fellowship clubs
- Organize major events – Graduation ceremony (graduate awards), freshmen parents day (club exhibition), anniversary celebration (fair)
- Handle club evaluations of NCUE and other organizations, national autonomous club evaluation, University Club Alliance of Changhua, Yunlin, and Chiayi Counties (March, May, December)
- Organize grandparents day (August-September), singing contest (October)
- Handle China Youth Corps affairs, student representative selection and review
- Survey student participation in competitions of NCUE and other organizations, and handle documents of celebrations, workshops, contests and events outside of NCUE
- Activity Center venue management, venue coordination meetings (every 6 weeks)
- Venue management: key management, site inspection, maintenance application
- Equipment management: expiration, inventory, new equipment, and condition control
- Part-time worker management: Attendance management and registration, part-time work hours and wage, part-time worker logs
- Procurement, maintenance and management of equipment for borrowing clubs
- Part-time worker management
- Other matters
Email Address
Subsitute Staff
- You Chiung-Yuen
- Chen Chao-Wen